Monday, September 15, 2008

Class Reunion

TOP ROW : B Stokes,T.Bair, J Overson, L Finch, C Stenquist, S Austin, H Barrus, B Hansen, C Ashby,

L Johnson, N Sylvester, B Summers, B Garfield

ROW TWO: R Anderson, S Green, M Scalley, S Larsen, Judy Palmer, L Thompson, K Hurd, D Manning,

D Archibald, D Cornwall, D Manning, M Selman, G Andersen ,B Marble ,K Forsgren, S Lewis ,D Fuhriman,

L Secrist. M Estep, M Hickman, S Woodhead

ROW THREE: D Brighton, S Spackman, D Smith , G Larson, J Spencer, E Smith, J Larsen, S Bourne,

A Scothern ,E Shuman, A Petersen

ROW FOUR: V Pugsley, L Kidman, J Nielson, V Huesser, B Hall, J Larson, B Christensen, B PIerson,

A Andreason


Dixie said...

Great reunion! It was so fun to see everyone. I hope our class will write again (too bad some comments were lost) to keep everyone informed as to your lives. Thanks for the effort of those who planned the reunion. I missed seeing some who couldn't be present. Write! Dixie B. Conger

Gail l. Bishop said...

Laraine Kidman Great job on the picture,It's really good. Thanks Larry for setting up the blog. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. Good luck Virgil, it's a great to get back in touch with great friends.It would be wonderful to hear from our class mates who were not able to come. It was wonderful to see all of you at the reunion. Love, Gail Bishop

Larry Kidman said...

Thanks to Bonnie for all the work she did in putting the reunion together. It was great to see the one's that attended and I wish everyone could have been there. A little about my life to this point. Married to Lorraine for 37 years and we have four kids, two boys and two girls. Five grandchildren that are the focal point of our activity, except for the time I spend on the golf course. I worked at Thiokol (ATK) for 35 years and retired the end of 2005. It has been better than I imagined. I mow at the golf course two days a week and drive for the Murdock car dealerships. Life's Great. Larry

andersons said...

andersons said...
It was great seeing all of you at the reunion. It is great having such wonderful friends that you can reconnect with so easily. 'thanks for making the effort to come. I hope we get some more comments at this blog sight. The pictures were wonderful. Thanks to Laarry and his wife, everyone can enjoy the reunion!

September 24, 2008 4:30 PM